I missed a few days of posting on Steem regretfully. But what is did for me is give me a direction for this and my Steem blogs. I am going focus on my ClickTrackProfit experiences. Lord knows there are many, many things to write about. Below is my first post along those lines.
I swore I was going to post here everyday. Well, that didn’t work out. I absolutely have to make this a priority. I will never get better at creating posts if I don’t work at it. Hopefully, today’s accomplishments made time available.
I have been working on the various Mastery tasks in ClickTrackProfits. In particular, I have been working on the mastery tasks for SeaLifeHits Traffic Exchange. One of the tasks to obtain Mastery of SeaLifeHits is titled ‘Surf Badges’. Completing this task requires claiming all the turtle badges 50-1000 15 times. I finished that task today. It takes a long time to surf 1000 sites. I don’t have to do that any more – YEAH!
I do still have to complete the ‘Surf More’ tasks which requires claiming all the Angry Crab badges 50-1000 10 times and I only have 1. The problem with this task is I never know when the Angry Crab badges are going to be used instead of the Turtle badges. I just have to login everyday and surf 50 sites to see if it is a Turtle or Angry Crab badge day. (And there are days with no badges.) It doesn’t take that long to surf 50 sites so that isn’t a big deal. It is just a matter of them showing up. I will get there.

PS – As always your constructive comments are not only welcome but encourage. I can’t get better without your help. Thank you in advance.#clicktrackprofit#sealife#hits#bobcaine