Steem Day 2

Hello everyone,

I made it to Steem for the second time. This time was much easier than yesterday. I managed to log right in, at least for blogging and all the other features that allows me to do. I am looking forward to exploring others blogs and commenting as appropriate.

I discovered this morning that I received several badges; e.g., my 1st post. I will have to investigate what the badges mean and what badges are available. I also noticed the number after my name had changed from 25 to 28. One more thing to investigate and learn what it means. I am going to guess that the number is some type of rating. But, I will find out.

I am sure you noticed how terrible my blog’s header looks. One more thing for me learn about and fix. I can do graphics at an elementary level but they take me a long time because I don’t do them very often. I want to look around in Steem and see what others do for blog headers. Hopefully, I can get some inspiration from others.

This morning in SteemSavvy, I learned about payment is Steem. This is definitely a lesson I will definitely view more than once to make sure I understand. I know next to nothing about crypto currencies so yet another topic I need to learn about to fully understand Steem.

I need to start my research so I am going to end this entry for now.

As always, I thank everyone who takes the time to read my posts and encourage all comments. I need all the help I can get to become proficient in Steem.

Thank You,
Bob Caine

Logged in without a problem - YEAH!


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