
#Hashtags Until recently, I never thought of #hashtags as any more than a way to categorize my posts. #hashtags do that but I am realize that they do more. #hashtags were first used in 2007 on Twitter. Because Twitter only allowed 140 characters at the time, the idea was to use words prefaced with a ‘#’ (octothrope) as a way to group tweets. This idea came from a web marketing specialist, Chris Messina. Since that very simple beginning, #hashtag use has grown and grown. #hashtags are now used in virtually…

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I Am Alive Challenge – Day 7 Day 7 of the IAmAliveChallenge for me and still going strong. The group is growing but not as fast as I thought it would. I wonder if people think it is some kind of affiliate marketing program. I know personally there are a lot of people who are afraid to make a video. I was one of those people. I think I am beginning to understand why so many people enjoy doing vlogs or streaming instead of blogs. It is much easier to…

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IAmAliveChallenge Day 6 I am on day 6 of the IAmAliveChallenge and enjoying it more every day. Hopefully, my videos are getting better. I would appreciate comments on what you truly think of my videos. The only way I will get better is from your feedback. Please help me. All comments greatly appreciated. IAmAliveChallenge Day 6 video If you watched the video, you noticed I used a a new toy (tool) for my intro and exit. My new toy is Vidtoon. It allows you to make cartoon videos quickly. They…

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I Am Alive Challenge Day 5 Click here is to see the day 5 video for the IAmAliveChallenge Three things I am putting on my to do list with high priority. Figure out how others are getting their 3Speak videos in their posts. WordPress does not recognized the 3Speak links as video. I will just have to play with it. Figure out how not to get both my video and the post with my soon to be video on ctptalk. I haven’t reached the point where people want to see…

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IAmAlive Challenge

I Am Alive Challenge I have missed quite a few days blogging. The first couple of days I just couldn’t think of anything to write about. Trying come up with some ideas, I managed to find several ‘rabbit holes’ that just consumed my days. I kept telling myself ’10 more minutes’ and a couple of hours later, I would still be there. I want to thank @flaxz for ending mental funk and getting me back on track with his great new ebook ‘I Am Alive’. I saw @flaxz ebook in…

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I Did It!!!

I Finished All the Lessons in ClickTrackProfit I did it. Finished all the lessons in the ClickTrackProfit Training. I actually did almost all of them twice because I decided I should have taken notes while I went through the lessons the first time. So I have not only finished all the lessons but I have a 38 page outline of the lessons. The amount of information and knowledge in the 125+ lessons is unbelievable. Any CTP member who has not taken advantage of this training, is only hurting themselves. I…

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I Need The Internet’s Opinion

This post is going to be short. I finished my video landing page and I would like to get everyone’s opinion whether or not the landing page I just created is good enough to actually use. I don’t know how many times I remade the video for one reason or another. I finally decided I wasn’t going to get it perfect and this one wasn’t too bad. So please be honest in your comments as to the page’s value. Thank you. ==> Affiliate Marketing PhD at ClickTrackProfit <== I have…

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Better at Sunset than I was at Sunrise

Better at sunset than I was at sunrise. Any of you who have listen to or read posts by @jongolson have probably heard him use that phase. If you could say that everyday of your life, you would die a very wise and knowledgeable person. For me personally, I have had many days when that wasn’t true and there have even been days when the exact opposite is true. Today, while frustrating, qualifies as a day when I do know more tonight than I did this morning. I spent the…

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Buzzy Day At The Hive

From everything I read in different posts the flight from Steem to the Hive seemed to be pretty uneventful. I only read about a couple of minor glitches. Of course my knowledge of what was going on is all but non-existent, so they could have been major glitches and I wouldn’t know. But they way they were described in the posts, they were not a big deal I stayed away from Steem and the Hive yesterday on purpose. I didn’t even submit a post. (I justified missing a day because…

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A or B? Who Better than the World to Decide.

I am sure you have guesses already what this post is all about already. If you guessed split testing, your right! A few posts ago I wrote about the realization that if I used rotators in traffic exchanges, I could change the link on all the te’s by just changing the link in the rotator. I also can use those rotators for split testing. I have read many posts and articles about split testing. They talk about testing variations of Headings Content Color combinations Calls to Action Button color Backgrounds…

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